Ending Letters

Nicholas C. Rossis

Have you paid any attention to the letters we use to end our words? For example, you won’t find any words ending in U, V, I, or J. Why is that?

Gareth Adamson has the answer on Quora. And yes, it has to do with history. But also with grammar.

From the blog of Nicholas C. Rossis, author of science fiction, the Pearseus epic fantasy series and children's books
Writing makes you healthy. Grammar, not so much.

Ending with a J

‘J’ is the newest letter of the alphabet, only clearly distinguished from ‘i’ starting in 1633. Most words had already fixed their spelling by then. It remains one of the least common letters and is only used in words of foreign origin, although these do include French words which have been in the language a very long time. There are precious few, if any, Anglo-Saxon words with a ‘j’ in them anywhere, let alone at the end. Since French words cannot end in ‘j’, neither can English words…

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